Lauren Fosbenner Articles

NNC Project Specialist Certified as a Carbon Auditing Professional

NNC Project Specialist, Lauren Fosbenner, was recently certified as a Carbon Auditing Professional (CAP) by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). She completed a 2-day training and an exam related to climate policy, calculating carbon emissions from various activities, energy efficiency and building operations, transportation and fleet management, and efficiency project financing, among other topics.... Read More

Tray Trouble: 3 Years of Students’ Determination Pays off with More Sustainable Cafeteria Trays

It takes 500 years for a Styrofoam tray to break down. It took 3 years for a team of students at William Penn Elementary School in Bethlehem to replace their cafeteria’s Styrofoam trays with biodegradable ones. “Tray Trouble” is a dedicated group of 5th grade students who have been working to convince their school of... Read More

CREATE Connections: Climate Action Here, There, and Everywhere

Libraries, businesses, social media, schools, Community Bike Works, the Boys and Girls Club, community centers, local Environmental Advisory Councils – these are just some of the locations for NNC’s CREATE Connections project. The project casts a broad net in order to link people with different strengths and resources across Easton and Bethlehem. Sharing those strengths... Read More