Lafayette College Professor of Engineering Dr. David Brandes presents “Flash Flood Susceptibility in the Delaware River Region”
Delivering a presentation titled, “Flash Flood Susceptibility in the Delaware River Region,” Lafayette College Professor of Engineering David Brandes spoke on March 5 to a crowd of residents, watershed organization members and high school students about the challenge of flash flood in the Lehigh Valley. He shared research he and his students and colleagues have undertaken about the factors that influence flash flood susceptibility along the Delaware, including development but also factors such as geology, soils, wetlands and terrain. Dr. Brandes’ presentation gave an historical perspective on land use change in the region as well as an account of the hydrologic history of the area. A rich question and answer with the audience explored a range of other research possibilities for the future as well as discussion about how mitigation strategies such as green infrastructure could contribute to improved outcomes for flash flooding. This presentation was part of the CREATE Resilience project, designed to educate the public about hazards and mitigation strategies available.
Click here to view the presentation: https://nurturenatureorg-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/ksemmens_nurturenature_org/Ef-e6k5xAIxLsUqqkZPVQWMBkxDHmCsr89ufT8EzcPpqng?e=OUvpc7